Sunday, 12 July 2020

Spiritual Word-Thunder: in a thunderstorm in the garden

Mighty, thundering God! Give thunder-power 
to your heart-penetrating Word, so that we see
the Spirit-Lightning, and feel its heat-strike
that snatches all our hearts’ pride away.
This thunder-rumbling has power to transform:
God’s presence reigns in times of terror.
This dreadful cannon-blast is fruitful, 
just as God’s zeal is charged with grace.
That wonder-flash, God’s Word, will neither wound the soul
nor weaken the body; to strengthen is his only goal. 
His Spirit-subtlety can penetrate unnoticed.
At times, he is pleased to overwhelm with sound.
Protect us, O God, from the clouds’ thunderclaps:
your Word, although it strike us, will transform us.

Click here to read this sonnet in the original German.

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