In the church calendar, we are now moving into the long period called Ordinary Time. Here on the blog, the translations we post will change as well: after posting a number of sonnets marking particular times in the church year, we will explore other themes for a while, beginning with one from Greiffenberg's series of sonnets on spring.
Rain does no harm; it multiplies our pleasure
a thousandfold, and makes life more delightful.
Heaven has suckled the earth with its breast,
and the sun’s rays shine with laughter.
Rain is a nectar-sip, desire-arousing sap:
the sun is put to sleep, only to wake refreshed.
Its briefly-hidden beams bring forth more desire.
(Absence increases longing, as everyone well knows.)
Rain is the heaven-spirit, distilled and bright,
the balm that fills the world with flowered rest.
When God breaks the cloud-glass, joy pours out,
a heavenly tincture that adorns the earth with gold.
Rain is the blessing-wine from the mouth of God:
pleasure abounds, and the land grows fruitful.
Click here to read this sonnet in the original German.