Sunday, 31 May 2020

On The Inexpressible Gift of the Holy Spirit

You unseen lightning, flash of light in darkness,
heart-filling strength, an Essence inconceivable.
Something divine dwells in my spirit,
stirring and moving me: I feel a rare light.
The soul, of its own self, is not such a worthy light.
It was a Wonder-wind, a Spirit, a Creator,
Eternal Strength-giving Breath, the Utmost Being
that kindled in me Heaven's flaming light.
You glance of flashing colors, you radiant splendour!
You shimmer to and fro, mysteriously clear—
the Spirit's dove-flights gleaming in the Sun's pure truth.
The God-stirred pool, though cloudy, is yet clear!
The Spirit-Sun first shines upon the moon
which turns and sheds clear light upon the earth.

Click here to see this sonnet in the original German.

On My Sweetest and Dearest Lord Jesus, at New Year's Time

  Jesus, first among the first, and yet without beginning, my soul's soul and spring, all nations' bliss and comfort! May the highes...