Saturday, 11 April 2020

The Last of the Seven Wonder-Words

The Seventh: The Wounded Side

My Saviour, can even your most holy heart be wounded?
Ah! It becomes for all the world and me
the spring of life, so gently and love-filled the blood flows out.
Oh, that my mouth were honored to receive that love.
Even in death it flows and does not wane,
its warmth not wrung from it by death’s last chill.
In His death, it has escaped mortality.
Oh, that I could hide myself within his heart.

My heart, lie down and live within His Life.
Though Life has died, it only died to give
true immortality. Oh, fill the wounds
with love, praise, thanks, unending honour,
loyalty a thousand-fold, and worship.
In faith, bow down and never cease to kiss. 

On My Sweetest and Dearest Lord Jesus, at New Year's Time

  Jesus, first among the first, and yet without beginning, my soul's soul and spring, all nations' bliss and comfort! May the highes...