Sunday, 19 April 2020

Auf die Frolich: On The Glad and Glorious Resurrection of Christ

Earth could not hold the one whose mouth
once spoke her into being. How could there be decay
while the Spirit of the Highest nurtures Life?
How could the Sun’s Source cool the sun’s heat?
Through rays of light from sun’s split centre
the Prince of Life emerges from the realm of Death.
His mere breath can blow away great Atlas.
His might prevails through all the earth.

What is the death of one small mouse to you,
strong Lion, who overcame the Dragon and the Tyger,
the hosts of Sin and Hell? You lay down in the grave
from where we find, not death, but life.
Your rising opened up my not-yet-opened grave.
You brought to mortals, immortality.

On My Sweetest and Dearest Lord Jesus, at New Year's Time

  Jesus, first among the first, and yet without beginning, my soul's soul and spring, all nations' bliss and comfort! May the highes...