Saturday 23 January 2021

On Christ's All-holy first shedding of blood, and the sweetest Name of Jesus

In this season of Epiphany, we decided to translate Greiffenberg's sonnets for the new year. This one's title seems to refer to the fact that, in liturgical churches, January 1 traditionally marked the Circumcision of Christ. Although this feast doesn't get much attention these days, it's still in the liturgical calendar, but now it's called The Naming of Jesus. Luke 2:21 says, "And at the end of eight days, when he was circumcised, he was called Jesus, the name given by the angel before he was conceived in the womb" (RSV). 

Lovely morning glow drops crimson pearls

of childhood, and soon the Jesus-sun arises,

in whom God's brightness mingles with love's warmth.

His heart's grace streams from this salvation-light.

Redemption's vein of gold must flow, love-melted.

This wondrous child cries with desire and longing:

Will the hour of salvation ever come, when he

at last pours out his blood, a blessing-flood, for all?

Eternal godhead wrapped in a little cloud: this child.

Just as, from a great distance, the sun

seems small enough to grasp, so he, as God,

fills everything, yet will himself be cradled.

Peace will have no peace until it stills

all human misery, greed, and hate of God.

Click here to read this sonnet in the original German.

On My Sweetest and Dearest Lord Jesus, at New Year's Time

  Jesus, first among the first, and yet without beginning, my soul's soul and spring, all nations' bliss and comfort! May the highes...