Sunday, 3 May 2020

The Resurrection: Its Fruit and Comfort

Rise even now in me, my Lord, through faith;
rise in my heart’s depth with your power,
that I give witness to the world that you have risen!
Let me, proclaiming you with zeal, use all my breath,
and let your Sun of grace now rise.
Roll every error-stone from heart and mouth,
and I’ll confess you freely, boldly, every hour.
Let no created thing steal my heart’s comfort.

Stay with me in this world, for it is evening.
Give honey from the rock, and sweetness from your wounds.
I feel my heart’s on fire from your words;
you rouse and also satisfy desire. 
My heart, closed to all but you, my Lord, 
rejoices in your risen might and presence.

Click here to read this sonnet in the original German.

On My Sweetest and Dearest Lord Jesus, at New Year's Time

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