Tuesday, 7 April 2020

The Third of the Seven Wonder-Words

The Third: The Earthquake

What’s this! I should not merely tremble but explode, 
and pour out my heart’s core in sympathy.
I should convulse and shudder in the tumult
of the wind’s groaning as it vaults up from the caverns.
The storm-sword should pierce my heart and soul.
Mountains hide the tempest of wondrous agony
as deepest cliffs conceal the highest eagle-aerie
while Death steals in to murder life. 

The word that gave me life, breath that created me.
my soul and source, is dying. Should I not, terrified,
express my agony and sorrow? This quaking is my outcry:
God loves and suffers; dies in every corner of the earth.
And you, who are also of the earth, quake with fear!
The treachery of your sin has now killed Life. 

On My Sweetest and Dearest Lord Jesus, at New Year's Time

  Jesus, first among the first, and yet without beginning, my soul's soul and spring, all nations' bliss and comfort! May the highes...